So on Tuesday I got my first match with a family and they seemed great. 2 kids - both in school [which is what I wanted] and in a nice area in Florida! But it turned out that they are really energetic people constantly on the go and doing things like sports and going out and all that sort of thing. Which is fine - just not for me.
Last night I had a nice long phone call from them and we talked about everything. Since then I had realized that they probably weren't the right family for me, but I had already organised to meet up with them this morning to talk on skype.
So I logged on and waited for them to come online, all the while trying to work out how to tell them that I didn't think it was a good match - or whether I should just call the Cultural Care office and tell them.
After a while - with the 'punctual' host family still not online, I went onto my Cultural Care account and noticed that the family had withdrawn, and I had another family there just waiting for me!!!
I went onto my e-mail and there was an e-mail nicely explaining why they withdrew - which was the same reason why I was going to withdraw anyway!
It's very exciting [since I don't like waiting]. The first thing that I noticed though - is that they have 3 kids - 2 of which are twins! Haha
So I'm hoping to talk to them soon!! They live in Virginia so I'm going to go and Google it now :D
Talk later. :D
Thursday, September 16, 2010
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