Thursday, November 4, 2010

Letters to myself.

Last night... as a last attempt to procrastinate studying, I wrote myself some letters for the US. [They're all also written on A5 paper and folded like they do in the pride and prejudice days :) hahah sooo good!!!]

The first one is for when I get really homesick for me to open. It's pretty much filled with all the good things about me being there... the people I meet, the adventures I'll have... and the other bit of the letter is telling me how much of a sissy girl I'm being and to man up.

2 of them are about if I get there and the family is actually not as good as I thought. I'm hoping that I don't have to use those letters. The first one is giving me questions to answer about why I am not enjoying my time there. And makes me write 3-5 ways that I can fix it. Not reasons to leave. I force myself to try and fix it first for at least 3 days.
The second letter is after 3 days if it is still not better after me trying to fix it or something. In which it gives me ideas of who to talk to and how to handle it. I also have to write a list of what to look out for when looking for a new family.
Like I said... I really hope I don't need to use those letters.

So yeah, then there are just a few other letters for other random events. And I'm hoping to write more.

If you have any good ideas about themes for me to write letters to me... [weird sentence to say]... comment and give some ideas.

Also if there are any of you that for fun [and procrastination as well :P] want to write me letters to take that I have to open at certain times or something. Feel free to send them to me also. :)

So yep.... back to study....